Strengthening the Capacity of Mosque-Based Family Corner: A Collaborative Partnership between Islamic Family Law UIN Maliki and the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Malang City
Reporter: PrayRopag
SYARIAH – Malang, July 23, 2024 – At the Grand Mercure Hotel, the Family Corner of the Faculty of Sharia at UIN Maliki, in collaboration with the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Malang City, organized a workshop to strengthen mosque-based capacity. The event was attended by various representatives, including those from the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Malang City (Head of Public Welfare, Head of Islamic Guidance Section), UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang (Prof. Dr. Hj. Mufidah Cholil, M.Ag, Prof. Dr. Sudirman, MA., CAHRM, and Prayudi Rahmatullah, MH), and the Indonesian Mosque Council, represented by 75 Mosque-Based Family Corner administrators and 10 Islamic religious counselors from the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Also present were Dr. Isroqunnajah, M.Ag (Chairman of PCNU Malang City), Chairman of PD DMI Malang City (Prof. Dr. Kasuwi Syaiban, M.Ag), Chairman of PD Aisyah Malang City, and other invited guests.
The event began with the singing of the Indonesian national anthem, “Indonesia Raya,” and the DMI Mars. The MC opened the event with the words “Bismillah” and recited verses from the Holy Qur’an. The Head of Public Welfare and Community Affairs of Malang City, Drs. R. Achmad Mabrur, then delivered a welcoming speech. Mr. Mabrur emphasized the importance of this event in addressing various societal issues. He also expressed his gratitude to all participants who attended the three-day event, stating, “May the knowledge gained from this event be beneficial.”
Mr. Ahmad Hadiri, M.Ag, Head of the Islamic Guidance Section, explained that this event is vital, as the Family Corner serves as a platform for empowering and enhancing mosques in Malang City. He firmly stated, “It is misguided if someone with a problem goes to the KUA or the court. The mosque is the ideal place, as it offers a serene and peaceful atmosphere, providing comfort, especially for those seeking consultation.”
Prof. Dr. Hj. Mufidah Ch, M.Ag., the initiator of the Family Corner Program in Malang City, added that the Family Corner is a place for guidance and consultation, helping the community resolve various family issues, thereby contributing to making Malang a dignified city with harmonious and prosperous families.
Prof. Dr. Sudirman, M.A., CAHRM, Dean of the Faculty of Sharia at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, emphasized that the mosque is the center of everything. He expressed confidence that the mosque is a safe place for sharing, crying, and expressing concerns. Therefore, strengthening the capacity of mosque-based Family Corners in Malang City is crucial in providing support for family-related issues, particularly in Malang City.