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Hundreds of Academics Including Islamic Family Law Study Program Participate in International Seminar at UIN Maliki with Speakers from Tunisia and Morocco

On Wednesday, February 8, 2023, the Faculty of Sharia at UIN Maliki hosted an International Seminar titled “Empowering Moderate Islam in the Contemporary World.” The event, attended by hundreds of participants, began at 08:30 AM WIB.

Held in the Auditorium of the Dr. (HC) Ir. H. Soekarno Building, the seminar was officially opened by the rector. In addition to the rector, vice rectors and the heads of each faculty also attended to enliven the event. Academics from various universities, not just UIN Maliki, participated in the seminar.

The speakers at the event came from three countries: Prof. Dr. Samir Boudinar (Ouigda University, Morocco), Prof. Dr. Abdellatif Bouazizi (Elzeytouna University, Tunisia), and Dr. H. Isroqunnajah, M.Ag. (UIN Maliki Malang). Each discussed the issue of moderation from their unique perspectives and areas of expertise. “We are very proud to have been entrusted by the university to host an event involving three major countries. We hope this event can spark collaboration with academics from Elzeytouna University in Tunisia and Ouigda University in Morocco. Of course, similar events should continue to be held to maximize the potential of our academics at UIN Maliki Malang,” said Dr. Sudirman, M.A., Dean of the Faculty of Sharia at UIN Maliki Malang.

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