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Hosting ICOLESS 2022: Faculty of Sharia Collaborates with Speakers Across Continents

SHARIA – On Wednesday and Thursday (October 5-6, 2022), participants and organizers of “The 5th International Conference on Law, Technology, Spirituality, and Society (ICOLESS)” filled the main hall of Samara Resort in Batu, East Java. The event, titled “The Role of State and Sharia Economics in the Disruptive Era,” featured speakers from Indonesia (Prof. Dr. Saifullah, S.H, M.Hum., UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang), Malaysia (Assoc. Prof. Asmak binti Ab Rahman, University of Malaya), Dubai (Prof. Dr. Mahmoed Ismaeil Mohamed Mashal, Imam Malik College for Sharia and Law), and Australia (Lucas Hainsworth, Lead Analyst on Investment at Preamium Limited, Melbourne).

The conference was officially opened by the Rector of UIN Maliki Malang and was a collaboration between the Faculty of Sharia UIN Maliki Malang and the Faculty of Sharia UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, held in a hybrid format.

Attended by dozens of presenters from various universities and institutions, the fifth ICOLESS marked the first joint event between two major Indonesian Islamic universities (PTKIN), as the previous four conferences were solely organized by the Faculty of Sharia UIN Maliki Malang.

“The topics discussed at ICOLESS are not limited to Islamic law alone. Various studies in social sciences that intersect, both interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, are also accommodated in this event. The collaboration with UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta provides diverse publication opportunities for the presenters. As a result, the publications from this event include not only proceedings but also Scopus-indexed journals and Sinta 2,” said Dr. Sudirman, Dean of the Faculty of Sharia UIN Maliki Malang.

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