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Introducing Constitutions Across Nations: Islamic Family Law Study Program Faculty of Sharia Holds Studium General with Guest Speaker from Malaysia

SHARIA – On Tuesday, September 5, 2023, the auditorium on the fifth floor of the Ir. Soekarno building at UIN Maliki Malang was packed with students. More than 500 students attended and participated in the Studium General event featuring speakers from both domestic and international backgrounds. The speakers were Dr. Fakhruddin (Lecturer at UIN Maliki Malang) and Dr. Mohd Norhusairi Bin Mat Husin (Lecturer at Universiti Malaya).

The event was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at UIN Maliki Malang, Prof. Dr. Umi Sumbulah, M.Ag., and ran from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Dr. Mohd Norhusairi’s presentation focused on the study of Islamic Family Law in Malaysia. He explained that Islamic law holds a strong position in Malaysia because Islam is the “official religion.” Therefore, Malaysia has a dual legal system, comprising both civil and Sharia laws. He provided detailed insights into the Malaysian constitution through an extensive lecture.

The second presentation was delivered by Dr. Fakhruddin, who is the Head of the Sharia Economic Law Department at UIN Maliki. His discussion centered on regulations related to Sharia Economic Law.

“The development of Sharia Economic Law in Malaysia is remarkable. There, regulations are often established before the institutions are created. In Indonesia, it’s the opposite—the institutions come first, and then the regulations follow. We need to learn from Malaysia and strive to advance in the field of Sharia Economic Law, so that Indonesia can realize its ambition of becoming the world’s center for Sharia economics,” said Dr. Fakhruddin in his presentation.

The Studium General event, attended by new students from the Sharia Economic Law, Islamic Family Law, and State Administrative Law programs, proceeded smoothly. The students actively participated in the discussion sessions.

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