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The Islamic Family Law study program is one of the study programs at the Sharia Faculty of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, a study program that originated from the Sharia Department of State Islamic College (STAIN) Malang. Established in 1997/1998 based on the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Institutional Development, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia: E/107/Tahun 1998 dated May 13, 1998.

Along with the change in institutional status in 2004 from STAIN Malang to the State Islamic University (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim, the status of the Department of Sharia changed to the Faculty of Sharia which has 2 departments, namely the department of al ahwal al syakhsiyah and Muamalah. The Al Ahwal al Syakhsiyah Department, then changed to the Islamic Family Law Study Program in 2017. The BIFL Faculty of Sharia Study Program received accreditation A by BAN-PT in 2007, 2013, and 2018. Meanwhile, at the international level, the IFL Study Program has obtained a certificate issued by QMS ISO 9001:2008 from UKAS Quality Management England in 2008 and 2015 and received an Asean University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) certificate in 2020.

The Bachelor Program in Islamic Family Law (BIFL) has designed its graduate profiles based on the needs of the community. The graduate profiles are as Practical Law Bearers, Practical Legal Consultants, Islamic Civil Administrators, and Theoretical Law Bearers. The provision of graduate profiles is in accordance with the vision and mission of the university, which is implemented at the study program level.

New students are selected through several pathways, namely: (1) National Academic Achievement Selection to State Islamic Religious Universities; (2) the State Islamic Religious Universities Entrance Examination; (3) University Entrance Tests; and (4) Student Achievement schemes. The curriculum content of the Bachelor Program in Islamic Family Law has been adjusted to the vision and mission of the program. The curriculum consists of 68% courses from the study program and 32% general courses (University and Faculty courses). Each course contributes to the graduate profile. The BIFL has 27 permanent lecturers with 44% holding doctoral degrees and 56% holding master’s degrees. The ratio of lecturers to students is 1: 34.37.  This ratio meets the ratio standard set by the National Accreditation Board for Indonesian Higher Education which is 1:45 for social science study programs.

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